Public records property use codes (Matrix tax records)


When looking at a tax record in Matrix, you may have noticed that the Property use Type field has two parts:



The first part of the field shows the property type that the parcel is zoned for.  The second part of the field (highlighted in orange above) is essentially the sub-property type.

Some of the codes used in this field can be a bit cryptic or difficult to decipher.  We have worked with the Warren Group (our tax vendor) to compile a list of all of the usage codes that you may encounter in Matrix public records:

code short12 fullname usegrp cmrusegrp commcat
001 Mlt Bldgs Multiple Buildings COM COM Other
002 Mlt Uses Multiple Use Codes COM COM Mixed Use
010 Mxu Res+NCom Mixed Use-Prim Res & Non-Com RES RES Other
013 Mxu Res+Com Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm RES RES Other
017 Mxu Res+Agri Mixed Use-Prim Res & Agricul RES RES Other
021 Mxu Res+Open Mixed Use-Res Dwell & OpenSp RES RES Other
030 Mxu Com+Othr Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other COM COM Mixed Use
031 Mxu Com+Res Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd COM COM Mixed Use
040 Mxu Ind+Othr Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Othr COM COM Mixed Use
09E Mlt Exempt Multiple Exempt EXM COM Other
100 Ps New Const Possible New Construction RES RES Other
101 1-Fam Res 1-Family Residence RES RES 1-Family
102 Condominium Condominium RES RES Condo
103 Mobile Home Mobile Home RES RES Other
104 2-Fam Res 2-Family Residence RES RES 2-Family
105 3-Fam Res 3-Family Residence RES RES 3-Family
106 Acc Land Imp Accessory Land Improved RES RES Other
107 Resid-Other Residential-Other RES RES Other
108 Dock Condo Dock Condominium RES COM Other
109 Res-Mtl Bldg Residential-Multiple Bldgs RES RES Other
110 Cndo Storage Condominium Storage RES COM Other
111 4-8 Unit Apt Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units RES COM Apartments
112 9 + Unit Apt Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units RES COM Apartments
115 Apt Use Othr Apartment Other Use RES COM Apartments
116 Res Pkg Gar Residential Parking Garage RES COM Other
117 1-4 Fam Res 1Fam-4Fam Residence RES RES 1-Family
118 Elderly Home Elderly Home RES COM Other
119 Apt Bldg Apartment Building RES COM Apartments
121 Boarding Hse Rooming/Boarding House RES COM Other
122 Frat/Sororty Fraternity/Sorority RES COM Other
123 Dorm/Rs Hall Dormitory/Residence Hall RES COM Other
124 Rectory/Conv Rectory/Conservatory RES COM Other
125 Cong Housing Congregated Housing RES COM Other
126 Subsdz Hsng Subsidized Housing RES COM Other
129 Res Land Residential Land RES RES Res Land
130 Res Dev Land Residential Developable Land RES RES Res Land
131 Res PDv Land Res Potentially Dvlpble Land RES RES Res Land
132 Res UDv Land Residential Undvlpble Land RES RES Res Land
140 Child-Care Child Care Facility RES COM Other
172 Cndo Pkg-Res Condo Parking-Residential RES COM Other
199 Condo Bldg Condominium Building RES COM Other
200 Vacant Land Land-Vacant & Open COM COM Comm Land
201 Res Open Lnd Residential Open Land RES RES Res Land
202 Res UWtr Lnd Residential Underwater Land RES RES Res Land
210 NPrd Agr-Lnd UnProductive Agriculture Lnd COM COM Comm Land
211 Vac Lnd-NPrd Vacant Lnd-Non-Productive COM COM Comm Land
220 Com Vac Land Commercial Vacant Land COM COM Comm Land
221 Com UWtr Lnd Commercial Underwater Land COM COM Comm Land
230 Ind Vac Land Industrial Vacant Land COM COM Comm Land
231 Ind UWtr Lnd Industrial Underwater Land COM COM Comm Land
300 Hotel Hotel COM COM Hospitality
301 Motel Motel COM COM Hospitality
302 Inn/Resort Inn/Resort COM COM Hospitality
303 Time Share Time Share COM COM Hospitality
304 Nursing Home Nursing Home COM COM Medical
305 Priv Hosptl Private Hospital COM COM Medical
306 Treatmnt Fac Care/Treatment Facility COM COM Medical
307 Vetinary Hos Veterinary Hospital COM COM Medical
308 Laundry Laundry/Laundromat COM COM Retail
309 Med Clin Out Medical Clinic Outpatient COM COM Medical
310 Fuel Tank Fuel Tank COM COM Industrial
311 LP Tank Bottled/Propane Gas Tanks COM COM Industrial
312 Grain Elevtr Grain/Feed Elevator COM COM Industrial
313 Lumber Yard Lumber Yard COM COM Retail
314 Truck Termnl Trucking Terminal COM COM Other
315 Pier/Dock Pier/Dock COM COM Other
316 Warehouse Commercial Warehouse COM COM Other
317 Farm Bldg Farm Building COM COM Other
318 Greenhse-Com Commercial Greenhouse COM COM Other
321 Equip-Retail Retail-Equipment COM COM Retail
322 Dept Store Retail-Department Store COM COM Retail
323 ShopCtr/Mall Shopping Ctr/Mall COM COM Retail
324 Supermarket Supermarket COM COM Retail
325 Retail Store Retail-Service COM COM Retail
326 Rest/Bar Restaurant/Bar COM COM Hospitality
327 Retail-Any Retail-Any COM COM Retail
330 Auto Sales Auto Sales COM COM Retail
331 Auto Supply Auto Supply COM COM Retail
332 Auto Repair Auto Repair COM COM Retail
333 Gas Station Gas Station COM COM Retail
334 Gas/Serv Sta Gas/Service Station COM COM Retail
335 Car Wash Car Wash Facility COM COM Retail
336 Parking Gar Parking Garage COM COM Retail
337 Parking Lot Parking Lot COM COM Retail
338 Auto-Other Auto Other COM COM Retail
339 Car Wash-Slf Car Wash-Self COM COM Retail
340 Gen Office Office Bldg-General COM COM Office Bldg
341 Bank Bank Building COM COM Office Bldg
342 Medical Offc Office Bldg-Medical COM COM Medical
343 Office Condo Office Condo Unit COM COM Office Bldg
344 Medicl Condo Medical Condo Unit COM COM Retail
345 Retail Condo Retail Condo COM COM Retail
346 Medical Fac Medical Facility COM COM Medical
347 Com Bldg Commercial Building COM COM Office Bldg
348 Condo/Motel Condominium/Motel COM COM Hospitality
349 Condo-Nonres Non-residential Condo COM COM Office Bldg
350 Post Office Post Office COM COM Office Bldg
351 Educational Educational Property COM COM Office Bldg
352 Day-Care Ctr Day Care Center COM COM Office Bldg
353 Frat Organiz Fraternal Organization COM COM Office Bldg
354 Bus Facility Business Facility COM COM Office Bldg
355 Funeral Home Funeral Home COM COM Retail
356 Pub Serv-Mis Public Service-Misc COM COM Retail
359 Cndo Pkg-Com Condo Parking-Commercial COM COM Retail
360 Museum Museum COM COM Other
361 Art Gallery Art Gallery COM COM Other
362 Movie Theatr Movie Theater COM COM Other
363 Drive-In Thr Drive-in Movies COM COM Other
364 Live Theatre Live Theater COM COM Other
365 Stadium Stadium COM COM Other
366 Field House Arena & Field House COM COM Other
367 Race Track Race Track COM COM Other
368 Amusmnt Park Amusement Park COM COM Other
369 Entertainmnt Entertainment-Other COM COM Other
370 Bowling Ally Bowling Alley COM COM Other
371 Ice-Sk Rink Ice Skating COM COM Other
372 Roller Rink Roller Skating COM COM Other
373 Swimmng Pool Swimming Pools COM COM Other
374 Health Spa Health Spa COM COM Other
375 Tennis Club Tennis/Racquetball Club COM COM Other
376 Gymnasium Gymnasium COM COM Other
377 Indoor Rec Indoor Recreation COM COM Other
379 Recreation Recreation COM COM Other
380 Golf Course Golf Course COM COM Other
381 Tennis Court Tennis Courts COM COM Other
382 Riding Stabl Riding Stables COM COM Other
383 Beach/Pool Beach/Swimming Pool COM COM Other
384 Marina Marina COM COM Other
385 Fish/Game Fish & Game Club COM COM Other
386 Camping Facl Camping Facility COM COM Other
387 Summer Camp Summer Camp COM COM Other
388 Outdoor Rec Outdoor Recreation COM COM Other
389 61B Rec Land Recreation Land Chap 61B REC COM Other
390 Com Dev Land Commercial Devlpble Land COM COM Comm Land
391 Com PDv Land Commercial Potntl Dvlp Land COM COM Comm Land
392 Com UDv Land Commercial Undevlpble Land COM COM Comm Land
393 Com Agr Land Commercial Agriculture Land COM COM Comm Land
394 Comm Land Commercial Land COM COM Comm Land
396 Hangar Storg Hangar Storage COM COM Industrial
397 Comm Use Commercial Use COM COM Industrial
400 Manufacturng Manufacturing Building COM COM Industrial
401 Warehs-Indus Industrial Warehouse COM COM Industrial
402 Office-Indus Industrial Office Building COM COM Industrial
403 Indust Land Industrial Land COM COM Comm Land
404 R&D Facility Research & Dvlpmnt Facility COM COM Industrial
405 Indus Bldg Industrial Building COM COM Industrial
410 Sand Quarry Sand Quarry COM COM Industrial
411 Gypsm Quarry Gypsum Quarry COM COM Industrial
412 Rock Quarry Rock Quarry COM COM Industrial
413 Other Quarry Other Quarry COM COM Industrial
415 Bottling Plt Bottling Plant COM COM Industrial
419 Public Util Public Utility COM COM Industrial
420 Tank Public Utility Tanks COM COM Industrial
421 Tank-LNG Public Utility Tank/LNG COM COM Industrial
423 Elec Easemnt Electric Right of Way COM COM Industrial
424 Substation Electric Substation COM COM Industrial
425 Gas Plant Gas Production Plant COM COM Industrial
426 Gas Easement Gas Pipeline Right of Way COM COM Industrial
427 Gas Storage Gas Storage COM COM Industrial
428 Gas Control Gas Control Station COM COM Industrial
430 Tele Exchnge Telephone Exchange Station COM COM Industrial
431 Relay Tower Telephone Relay Tower COM COM Industrial
432 Cbl-TV Tower Cable Television Transmssn COM COM Industrial
433 Rad-TV Tower Radio Television Transmssn COM COM Industrial
436 Stud Rem Con Studio Remote COM COM Industrial
440 Ind Dev Land Industrial Devlpble Land COM COM Comm Land
441 Ind PDv Land Industrial Potntl Dvlp Land COM COM Comm Land
442 Ind UDv Land Industrial Undevlpble Land COM COM Comm Land
445 Railroad Prp Railroad Property COM COM Other
446 Sewer/Water Sewer, Water COM COM Other
497 Indust Use Industrial Use COM COM Industrial
601 Chp61 Forest Chapter 61 Forest COM COM Other
602 Forest Use Forest Use-Christmas Trees COM COM Other
604 Open Space Open Space COM COM Other
650 Water Supply Water Supply COM COM Other
708 Farm/Forest Farm and Forest Use COM COM Other
709 Farm Farm Use COM COM Other
710 Cranbrry Bog Cranberry Bog COM COM Other
711 Tobacco Sod Tobacco Sod COM COM Other
712 Veg Crops Vegetable Crops COM COM Other
713 Field Crops Field Crops COM COM Other
714 Orchard Orchards COM COM Other
715 Vineyard Vineyards COM COM Other
716 Tillble Crop Tillable Forage Crops COM COM Other
717 Woodlnd-Prdv Productive Woodland COM COM Other
718 Pasture Pasture COM COM Other
719 Nursery Nurseries COM COM Other
720 Non-Prdv Lnd Non-Productive Land COM COM Other
722 Wetlands Wetlands COM COM Other
801 Hiking Trail Hiking Trails REC COM Other
802 Camping Area Camping Area REC COM Other
803 Nature Study Nature Study REC COM Other
804 Boating Area Boating Area REC COM Other
805 Golf Course Golfing Area REC COM Other
806 Horseback-ar Horseback Riding REC COM Other
807 Hunting-area Hunting Area REC COM Other
808 Fishing-area Fishing Area REC COM Other
809 Skiing-Alpin Alpine Skiing Area REC COM Other
810 Skiing-Nord Nordic Skiing Area REC COM Other
811 Swimmng Area Swimming Area REC COM Other
812 Picnic Area Picnic Area REC COM Other
813 Flying Area Public Flying Area REC COM Other
814 Target Range Target Range REC COM Other
900 Federal Prop Federal Property EXM COM Other
950 Charity Prop Charity Property EXM COM Other
910 State Agency State Agency Property EXM COM Other
960 Religious Pr Religious Property EXM COM Other
971 Public Utils Electric/Light/Sewer/Water EXM COM Other
  <blank> <blank>      
000 No Use Given Use not provided by assessor      
014 Mxu Res+ind Mixed Use-Prim Res & Ind RES RES Other
016 Mxu Res+Frst Mixed Use-Prim Res & Forest RES RES Other
018 Mxu Res+Rec Mixed Use-Prim Res & Rec RES RES Other
019 Mxu Res+Xmpt Mixed Use-Prim Res & Exempt RES RES Other
034 Mxu Com+Ind Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Ind COM COM Mixed Use
036 Mxu Com+Frst Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Forest COM COM Mixed Use
037 Mxu Com+Agri Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Agri COM COM Mixed Use
038 Mxu Com+rec Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Rec COM COM Mixed Use
041 Mxu Ind+Res Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Res COM COM Mixed Use
043 Mxu Ind+Com Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Comm COM COM Mixed Use
048 Mxu Ind+Rec Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Recr COM COM Mixed Use
061 Mxu Frst+Res Mixed Use-Forest & Resid COM COM Mixed Use
063 Mxu Frst+Com Mixed Use-Forest & Comm COM COM Mixed Use
064 Mxu Frst+Ind Mixed Use-Forest & Indust COM COM Mixed Use
067 Mxu Frst+Agr Mixed Use-Forest & Agricult COM COM Mixed Use
068 Mxu Frst+Rec Mixed Use-Forest & Recreat COM COM Mixed Use
071 Mxu Agri+Res Mixed Use-Agricult & Resid COM COM Mixed Use
073 Mxu Agri+Com Mixed Use-Agricult & Comm COM COM Mixed Use
074 Mxu Agri+Ind Mixed Use-Agricult & Indust COM COM Mixed Use
076 Mxu Agri+For Mixed Use-Agricult & Forest COM COM Mixed Use
078 Mxu Agri+Rec Mixed Use-Agricult & Recreat COM COM Mixed Use
081 Mxu Rec+Res Mixed Use-Recreation & Resid COM COM Mixed Use
083 Mxu Rec+Com Mixed Use-Recreation & Comm COM COM Mixed Use
084 Mxu Rec+Ind Mixed Use-Recreation & Indus COM COM Mixed Use
086 Mxu Rec+Frst Mixed Use-Recreat & Forest COM COM Mixed Use
087 Mxu Rec+Agri Mixed Use-Recreation & Agri COM COM Mixed Use
120 2-5 Fam Res 2Fam-5Fam Residence RES COM Other
160 Mansion Mansion/Estate RES RES 1-Family
181 House Boat House Boat RES RES Other
214 Ind Vac Land Industrial Vacant Land COM COM Comm Land
215 Vac Lnd-Oth Vacant Land-Other COM COM Comm Land
450 Indus Condo Industrial Condominum COM COM Industrial
800 Rec Recreational-General REC COM Other
824 Gun Club Gun Club REC COM Other
828 FishGame Clb Fish/Game Club REC COM Other
047 Mxu Ind+Agri Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Agri COM COM Mixed Use
046 Mxu Ind+Frst Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Frst COM COM Mixed Use
182 Deeded Slip Deeded Slip RES COM Other
499 Hangar Hangar COM COM Industrial
815 Prod WoodLot Productive Woodland-Woodlots REC COM Other
940 Educational Educational Property EXM COM Other
970 Hs Auth Prop Housing Authority Property EXM COM Other
990 Other Exempt Other Exempt EXM COM Other
930 CtyMuni Prop County/Municipality Property EXM COM Other
451 Elec Plant Electric Generation Plant COM COM Industrial
953 Cemetery Cemetery EXM COM Other
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